Where Do You Want To Go?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

an exclusively F-bean related post

a mash-up quickie post, and then back to F.

lately she has been jabbering into her toy phone rather sophisticatedly, like she's on a very important call and can't be disturbed. sometimes she'll pass me the phone and if i don't talk into it she gets really disgruntled, so i say things like, "hello, big bird. meet me at the half-pipe and bring the jelly beans if you know what's good for you."

this morning she rather enjoyed putting toys on top of my head and watching them fall off.

she likes to cruise along the furniture. she crawls up the stairs as i stand behind her, arms outstretched in case she falls. she doesn't realize why i'm there; she's just proud of her accomplishments.

she points. she claps during songs. she waves neither hello nor goodbye, but rather for no particular reason at all. she feeds herself. she smiles sheepishly when i sign "no!" as she reaches for the dirty mop, or tries to grab Starbucks the wiener dog by the ears. she flaps her arms when daddy comes in the room, like the very sight of him could make her take exuberant flight.

and she is 10 months next tuesday. where is my little baby going in such a hurry? i'm excited and a little sad to see her grow. one day she won't need me to stand behind her anymore. one day she will take her first steps, and she won't come crawling into my arms anymore. this-- all of this-- is only for a short while. i'm honored to be here, F.

these are some of the proudest moments of her life--

and mine.
