Where Do You Want To Go?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ohwuhoh, the sweetest thing.

Fable had her MMR shots yesterday. It is always so gut-wrenching to put her through that. This last time was particularly brutal, since she recently learned to say "All done." It's a phrase normally reserved for wanting to be finished with a snack or dinner, but being the clever little thing she is, the child has started saying it in all manner of unpleasant situations. When she doesn't want a diaper change, for instance. Or when she wants to be rescued from her crib after a nap (and often, before it has even taken place.) It sure was heartbreaking to hear her cry, "All done" between full-blown sobs as the nurse gave her a shot in each thigh.

Today Fable spent the majority of the day sleeping off the trauma. The woman at her day-care reported that in the middle of playtime, she laid down on the floor and fell asleep. An hour later, she went down for an hour-long nap. Then, at home, she slept for another three hours.

And just now, I laid the unusually docile babe in her crib, stroked her eyebrows and hair until she fell asleep. Without overstating, I must say that easing her into sleep was the most humbling and satisfying thing I've done in my life in recent times.

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