I'm going to have a hard time not crying while I write this blog. The good thing about crying whilst hiding behind the comfort and safety of the internet is that you can't see my horrifying Cry Face. I'm so not one of those pretty criers. Like, you know when you see a movie and the actress sheds a single glorious tear, and you're like, "Dang. That was majestic"? Well, that's the *opposite* of me crying.
Pretty crying
"Oh, gosh, Marilyn. I'm so sorry to hear about your Yorkie..."

Halle Berry has a genetic condition that prevents her from frowning when she cries.
I know it's hard to believe, folks, but I am NOT always supernaturally attractive. Actually, I seem to be proportionately UNattractive when I cry. Remember that scene from 'When Harry Met Sally' when Sally gets all emotional and calls Harry up in the middle of the night, and she's sitting all slobber-faced on her bed and sobbing uncontrollably? That's EXACTLY how I look when I cry. And I would have posted a picture here but the internet is apparently so disgusted with Meg Ryan's face at that moment in the movie that no one in history has ever recorded it. So, instead, you will have to make due with this, a picture of Britney Spears bawling like a baby. That's also a pretty dead ringer.

(Note how this picture comes from a website called "fugly.com")
Any old who, I have soooo digressed in this blog. What I'm trying to get at is this: My husband has been an absolute hero over these last few weeks. He has taken the brunt of all the housework and Fable-rearing upon himself. It is truly a miracle, the way he has taken care of me. I have never, ever felt so vulnerable, or so loved. You should hear the way he reads books to Fable, with all the love in the world in his voice. He takes her on walks that last for hours. He comes home with the cutest stories about her. "You should have seen the way she climbed the slide, Mel! She made me so proud!" And she lights up when he comes in the room. "Daddy's here!" she exclaims. She is loving this time with him, and I'm loving the chance to watch them grow together.
On top of his terrific care for Fable, Doug has dropped everything to make sure I'm okay. He never bats an eye at the thought of taking me to yet one more appointment. (Though sometimes he gets peeved when he has to wait a few measly *hours* in the car while Fable takes her nap...) He listens and engages as I explain what's going on. He asks questions and researches subjects online. He rubs my back when I'm feeling nauseous, and offers to run out to buy me chicken soup any time. He buys me Gatorade and sorbet in bulk because those are two foods I keep down well. He reminds me to take medicines. He rests with me when I'm too tired to move. He calls me a trooper, even when I cry.
I could go on and on, and never really capture what it has been like to be on the receiving end of so much grace. My husband has really modeled what it's like to lead by service. He is relentlessly loving. And the most amazing thing is, I've never felt closer to the Lord than I do when I experience my husband loving me so tangibly. I could never go through this without him; I could not ask for more.
To my inspiring husband: All the love and gratitude in the whole wide world, and then some.
- Your Ugly Crying Wife.
PS: The internet gave up some gold. See, ugly Meg Ryan face!
If this is what you've got (Britney Spears and Meg Ryan), then my ugly crying face can throw down your ugly crying face.
ReplyDeleteGo, Doug, go! You rule.
I don't think you could ever look ugly friend! You are so blessed to have such a supportive hubby. Yay Doug!