Where Do You Want To Go?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Reveal.

Y'all do a lot of clicking for folks who don't comment much. Why the silence, blogger friends? It's like I'm on a blind date and I keep asking, "Sooo, where ya from?" and you're the date who sits there with the napkin in her lap chewing on the same piece of steak to avoid answering the question. And I think I deserve better than that, blog friends. After all, I AM treating you to a steak dinner. Ha! See how I set myself up there? Sigh. How can you refrain from commenting?

And so it is that you force my hand.

I'm going to let you in on a secret, blog friends.

The thing is, I don't just WANT y'all to comment. I NEED y'all to comment. Because over the coming months this blog will turn into a more well-defined entity. One of the purposes of this blog is going to be asking questions and, as my friend Ariel would say, "gettin' some answers." Because I'm working on some ideas for some writing I want to do. Not just blog writing. Book writing? Short story writing? I don't know, exactly. But feedback is going to play a major role in it, since it's by gleaning insight from friends that I process data best.

I want to hear from you guys on topics like marriage or singledom, shoestring fries versus curly, having children or enjoying the sticky-free lifestyle, and all the things in the middle. I hope you'll join me in that journey.

So get ready to start answering some questions. Please don't be shy. If you're up for engaging, for giving honest feedback, for being a part of discussions both intimate and inane, I hope you'll respond with an


Much love and thanks,



  1. I so envy you right now, because I have major blogging block owing to the fact that I can't stand any of the blog titles I have already come up with, and can't think of any cool new ones. Sigh.

    I guess I could call mine "Never wished for turkey" and call it a spin-off. ;)

  2. I love to read your blog and I try and find time to comment! Excited for the blogs to come that demand more feedback! :)

  3. I read because it's you! Whatever the subject. :-)
    Anyway - I'm commenting!

