Where Do You Want To Go?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

10 weeks...

10 weeks of pregnancy means:

10 meals a day-- this is a hungry baby!
Baby measuring at 9 weeks, although I know when I conceived
8 pills I take in a day
7 days in a week that bring new ways to gag, wretch, and inevitably puke around the house
6 hours of sleep a night, which seems to be about my body's maximum allowance
5 extra pounds already gained
4 extra bathroom trips a night
3 gallons of water a day. That's how much it feels like I'm drinking, anyway
2 hour naps a day
1 day I will have this baby and this pregnancy will fade away, praise the Lord!

Now, goodnight, blog-o-sphere. It's 4:30 and you really ought to be in bed anyway.


1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better soon! Not fun when you are trying to do daycare! Or maybe that is on hold?

